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How to Plan the Perfect Bachelorette Party

A bachelorette party is a reprieve from the stresses that accompany wedding planning, a time to celebrate the soon-to-be-bride, and a time to grow closer with all of the people in the bridal party. However, those who are planning on throwing their first bachelorette party might not know where to begin in order to bring the bride’s dreams to life. The good news? Throwing a bachelorette party isn’t as difficult as it sounds! In fact, there’s a host of bachelorette party tips to take advantage of that will make the entire process so much simpler. Let’s take a closer look at how to plan a bachelorette party that the bride will never forget!

Get to Know the Bride’s Expectations

While surprises can certainly be pleasant, it’s important to plan a bachelorette party that caters to the needs and wants of the person it’s centered around. The first step is to sit down with the bride and ask them what they envision when they think of the perfect bachelorette party. Are they looking for a weekend getaway in a tropical location? Do they want a quiet retreat where they’re able to relax far away from the hustle and bustle of wedding planning? No matter what it is that interests them most, take notes so that you have all of their thoughts and ideas in mind as you continue planning. 

Decide on Guests and Logistics

When some people throw a bachelorette party, they consider the guest list much later than they should. One of the most helpful bachelorette party tips to keep in mind when you’re learning how to plan a bachelorette party is to deal with this first! Come up with a list of people who would likely be involved and then reach out to them. What do their schedules look like? When would they be able to take time off should the party fall on a day when they’re typically working? All of this necessary work ensures that most of your guest list will be able to commit long before the day (or days) rolls around. 

Once you have a better idea of what time works best for everyone, you’ll be ready to move on to the next phase of planning a bachelorette party. 

Give Guests Time to Budget

Unless one person in the group is paying for the entire bachelorette party, most bachelorette parties will be a combined effort with everyone pitching in. This can be a major financial commitment, which is why it’s necessary to figure out exactly how much each member is contributing. Once you know that, make sure to give them enough time to come up with that money as they’ll be balancing saving for this alongside their day-to-day expenses and figure out the deadlines for when people will need to pay by. This can be a long process, so make sure to tackle this as soon as possible when you plan a bachelorette party that way no one gets blindsided by these costs later. 

Booking Transportation, Lodging, and Beyond

All of these bachelorette party tips have been leading to a singular moment: the actual planning and booking! Now that you have a final headcount, a timeline and the funds necessary to prepare the party, it’s time to start making the arrangements for the event. The amount of work you have to do depends entirely on what your bachelorette party looks like, but some of the areas you will need to focus on when figuring out how to plan a bachelorette party include: 

  • Booking transportation (making flight plans, booking buses, etc.).
  • Reserving rooms at local hotels (or even using a lodging service).
  • Figuring out what types of activities are located nearby and planning the course of the party out for the bride.
  • Making reservations at nearby restaurants in advance. 
  • And so on. 

This will often be the most tedious part of planning the party. But once everyone is together, you’re sure to have a wonderful time.

Women standing in front of mural with drinks

Don’t Forget Decorations and Favors

This is a themed party, which means that you’ll definitely want to stock up on decorations and party favors that match the spirit of the occasion. If you’re looking for gifts for the bride, you can easily find online gifts for her that can be personalized to add a sentimental touch. Whether it’s a journal to help her chronicle her journey, a USB drive so she can store all her photos from this special weekend, or something else entirely, there are so many great ideas out there. 

Fortunately, party decorations and favors are very easy to find when you need to plan a bachelorette party. That being said, you may want to go for something more bespoke for everyone in your wedding party, like a personalized skinny tumbler that you and your guests can bring with you as you explore the locale or relax indoors. When it comes to learning how to plan a bachelorette party, these minor details are a must to focus on!

A bachelorette party is a major moment before a wedding, which is why there can be a lot of pressure to plan it out perfectly. Luckily, with these tips, you can make sure that you’re taking everything in stride and guaranteeing that nothing is forgotten about in the process. If you’ve reached the final section of this guide and you need the right gifts as you plan a bachelorette party, mymento is here to help! We offer a wide range of stylish products in trendy colors and designs that can be personalized for your needs. We also offer free U.S. shipping on all orders and bulk purchases. Shop mymento for the perfect bachelorette party today!

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