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Man making a small meaningful gesture for her.

Why the Small and Meaningful Gestures Feel Like Something Big

Relationships form the bedrock of our lives as human beings. We don’t exist in a void. We live with our friends, family, partners, colleagues, and so on. These bonds sustain us through the ebbs and flows. Anyone who’s ever made a fresh start in life can relate to this particularly well. Think of the relationships you first formed that helped you to put down roots and thrive. And, much like trees that thrive best when they symbiotically support each other in a forest, human communities too need meaningful gestures of support to create something robust.

These needn’t be extravagant expressions of love. A relationship with someone is built on making small gestures for him or her at the right moments. A kind word or comment — just the idea that you care and want them to know can mean a lot. As Oscar Wilde put it, “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”

Here are a few ways you can make meaningful gestures for your loved ones:

1. Listen to Them

Being a good listener is an incredibly underrated quality. By just paying attention to what someone’s saying, you’re showing them that you’re interested in what matters to them. Whether they’re your spouse, your family, or even a stranger, by listening and responding to their words, you’re creating a moment where they feel attended to and cared for. It’s also a great way to avoid acrimonious disagreements. If you disagree with someone, but they’re satisfied that you’ve listened to and considered their point of view, it can take the heat out of the argument. 

2. Remember Important Dates

Acknowledging milestones is an easy, meaningful gesture that shows people you care. Over time, we’ve normalized phrases like “Sorry, I’m just really bad with dates” or “I never remember stuff like that.” These were cliches long before social media notifications came along. Try this. If there’s someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time and they have a birthday or anniversary around the corner, take the time to send a note or a small token of affection. You might be surprised at how delighted they are to hear from you!

3. Show Encouragement

Everyone needs a pep-talk, a pick-me-up, or some tough love from time to time. Recognizing that someone’s going through it and taking the time to reach out to them is one of the most meaningful gestures you can make. Your friend’s not likely to forget the support they receive when they’re down. A gesture, however small, will mean much for him or her. Just a word or a thoughtful reminder of your belief in them can do wonders for their confidence! 

4. Celebrate the Wins

A win’s not a win if you don’t celebrate it, right? Right. Your friend just got engaged? Celebrate it. Promotion at work? Celebrate it. Someone close to you bought a new home? Get over there and celebrate it. Bring them a nice memento to remember it while you’re at it. 

5. Personalize Your Gestures

The most meaningful gestures are the ones that have personal significance attached to them. It doesn’t have to be something with tremendous practical value. It could just be a token that evokes a beautiful memory or marks a special day. As long as you personalize it and let them know it’s for them, they’ll cherish it.

6. Gift Like You Mean It

If you are going to gift someone something, do it right. The best gifts, the ones that really resonate with their recipients do so because they reflect a little bit of themselves. Is your loved one a globe-trotter, a passionate cook, a fashionista, or a fitness nut? Or something else entirely? Put a little thought into what’s going to strike a chord with your giftee and they’re bound to love it. 

Timing matters as much as the content in making a gesture meaningful. Having said that, there’s never really a bad time to connect with someone and make them feel special. At mymento, we’re all about helping you find that perfect vehicle for your affection. Feel free to explore our personalized gifting options. Reach out to us if there’s anything we can do to make your experience that much more special.

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