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Kids sitting on stairs unwrapping gifts

Personalized Milestone Gifts for Kids

Children can be a unique challenge to shop for, regardless of how close you are to them. Even parents (especially first-time parents) can find themselves struggling to figure out if they should just buy another toy or something more meaningful. 

Personalized gifts for kids are great options for every occasion ranging from the first birthday to a life milestone like starting school or going on vacation for the first time. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some gift ideas for common milestones in your child’s life.

Learning to Write

Self-expression is a skill that is best taught early. It is important that kids learn how to express themselves and what they’re feeling no matter if they’re feeling happy, sad, angry, or excited. A personalized leather journal is the perfect personalized kid gift for children who are learning to write because it starts this habit early. 

Encourage your child to write down their thoughts, create their own stories, or simply tell what happened that day. They get the writing practice as well as something they can look back on when they’re older. Show them their childhood journal when they’re in college and watch them light up as they remember events they haven’t thought about in years.

Joining Their First Sports Team

Child swinging a baseball bat

Is your kiddo starting sports like soccer or t-ball for the first time? Mark the occasion with a personalized stainless steel water bottle! These are great personalized kids gifts because of all the benefits they bring.

It’s important to teach your child that staying hydrated is a critical component of sports and they need to make sure they’re taking care of themselves. You also get to personalize the bottle by having their name engraved on the side, will help them as well as the other kids know who the bottle belongs to. Once the season is over, they could take the water bottle to school with them so they can stay hydrated throughout the day. 

Their First Vacation

Vacations are a big deal for kids! If your child is traveling for the first time and you plan on using public transportation, help them easily identify their luggage with an engraved luggage tag. A leather luggage tag is something they will be able to use again and again for future vacations while also making sure their luggage is more identifiable. The tags can be used for more than just vacations, too. These personalized kid gifts can be used again for school functions if your child needs to travel with an instrument or sports equipment. 

The First Birthday

Baby sitting next to wood letters spelling “one”

A first birthday is one of the most significant milestones in a person's life. After all, these early formative years have a massive impact on the kind of person your child will become later in life. When you’re choosing a personalized first birthday gift, you’ll want to keep the unique and special spirit of a first birthday in mind. 

Most of the time when we buy gifts for our children, we want something they can use immediately. As nice as that is, an infant will not notice who gave the bigger stuffed animal or who purchased a better outfit. We can’t remember our first birthday, so consider giving kids a personalized picture frame as a gift, and choose a photo commemorating something special from the first year of their life. 

If you find yourself wishing you could give them more than one photo, choose a USB drive where you can store pictures and videos of their first birthday. Then put the USB drive in a safe place like a safety deposit box so you can give it to them for another milestone, like their birthday or wedding day.

Just Make It Special

No matter what the milestone may be, picking the right gift is important. While some kids are happy with receiving toys while other kids want personalized gifts tailored to their tastes. There are even kids who want educational gifts or things they can enjoy with their friends. Keep the child’s personality and needs in mind, and remember that sometimes small gestures are the most important.

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